When Trust Is Broken
Picture of Rebecca O. Haggard

Rebecca O. Haggard

Follower of Jesus

When Trust Is Broken

When Trust Is Broken

Many people have issues with trust. Many Christians have issues with trust. I certainly have issues with trust. Seriously… who doesn’t?

When trust is broken, it can leave devastating scars. It has been said that “hurt people hurt people.” To put it another way – people that have been hurt often hurt others. The fact is that every single soul qualifies as “hurt people.” We have all had dealings with hurt as both the aggressor and the victim. We have all experienced broken trust and have been both the breaker and the broken. When trust is broken it can cause hurt, and worse harm, leaving us wounded, untrusting, and anxious.

Christians are supposed to trust God. Trust in God is the very definition of faith. But many times, the wounds incurred from our experience of the human condition can make it very difficult to trust – even to trust God. I have personally struggled with this issue in my walk. When Christians behave badly, hurt can migrate into harm. Whether it’s hypocrisy, judgmental attitudes, ridicule or whatever, it can really cause damage to the old trust meter! We must realize that man’s wrong actions are not a reflection of God’s character. It is the actions of Christ that accurately reflect the true nature of God (Hebrews 1:3).

God's Trustworthiness

Scripture evidences God’s trustworthy character. It is repeatedly written, “then you/they will know that I am the LORD.” From the Exodus to the Messiah, the actions of God are undeniable and reliable. Time and time again, God demonstrates His character of unfailing love and trustworthiness through his redemptive actions. 

Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13, NASB [1]). This trustworthy love of God culminates with Christ’s atoning work on the cross. God himself entered the physical realm and willingly laid down his life so that we may be saved. This is the ultimate demonstration of trustworthiness.

To Trust or Not To Trust?

We decide whether or not to place our trust in God. Sometimes our decision is conscious, but sometimes we unconsciously allow our past experiences to influence our view of God. We must guard our hearts against allowing the actions of man to define our view of God. But how do we do that? We begin by studying Scripture and conducting an examination of its credibility. A great place to start is the Resurrection. This historical event is considered extremely reliable by historical scholars. If you would like to examine the evidence, a wonderful resource is Gary Habermas and I have included his link below.

Litany of Trust

Prayer also helps us trust. Recently, I have been introduced to the Litany of Trust prayer. This prayer articulates many of the trust issues with which I personally struggle. Some of the included struggles are belief we must earn God’s love, fears of being unlovable, doubts, anxiety, past regrets, and worthlessness. The prayer reminds us that Jesus is trustworthy in spite of our fears. If you have never read the Litany of Trust, I have placed a link below for you. It has certainly strengthened my trust and provided me with a deep sense of peace. I am reminded of the certainty of Jesus’s faithfulness, trustworthiness, and love for us.

Trust Leads to Faith Acts

Our trust, or faith, must also be exercised. Faith that leads to a venture response is often called a “faith act.” James said, “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:26). While our salvation is never obtained via our works, works are the evidence of our salvation. Faith can be likened to love. If one loves another, but never acts in any way to demonstrate that love, how can that love be known? When we truly trust God, our faith compels us to act in response to Him just as when we truly love. We are compelled to express it in action. Hebrews chapter 11 documents the many faith acts done by those who trusted deeply in God.

So, when our trust is broken by man, let us place our trust in the one who is truly trustworthy. Let us strive to deepen our faith in God through our study of Scripture and prayer. And let us also step out in our faith and seek to do in like manner as the faithful who walked with God before us.

[1] Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are from the New American Standard Bible.

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