Gleanings & Gatherings

inspirational books

apologetic Books

Love the Lord you God with all your mind: The role of reason in the life of the soul

J. p. moreland

Explores the important role of the mind in Christianity in relation to faith, spiritual growth and worship.

isbn 978-1596441550

on guard: defending your faith with reason and precision

William lane craig & lee strobel

Four arguments for Christianity including the existence of God, the historicity of Jesus, a response to the problem of suffering, and the falsity of religious relativism.

isbn 978-1434764881

the case for christ: a journalist's personal investigation of the evidence for jesus

lee strobel

An apologetic case for Jesus

isbn 978-0310226468

theology Books

Christian theology
3rd edition

millard j erickson

A comprehensive examination of Christian doctrines from an evangelical perspective.

isbn 978-0801036439

nac studies in bible & theology

a series by various authors

Sermon on the Mount, The Messianic Hope,  Believer’s Baptism, Enthroned on our Praise, The Lord’s Supper, God’s Indwelling Presence, Future Israel, Lukan Authorship of Hebrews, The Ten Commandments, That You May Know, & Sign of the Covenant in Christ. More titles to come.

Paul and scripture: studying the new testament use of the old testament

steve moyise

A contextual examination of the Apostle Paul’s use of Old Testament Scripture in his own writings.

isbn 978-0801039249