20/20 Vision
Picture of Rebecca O. Haggard

Rebecca O. Haggard

Follower of Jesus

2020 Vision

At the beginning of the year 2020, many churches conveyed messages that played on the concept of 2020 vision. We asked God to provide us, his people, with clear vision. We prayed that God would show himself to the world. Here are a few examples.

2020 Vision Church Posters

2020 vision
2020 Vision


And then… HELLOOOOOO CoVid-19! This circumstance was certainly unexpected and unwanted – not at all what we had in mind. Like you, I have been home and spending more time on social media. As this virus has progressed, I have witnessed an outreach of mankind to God. Like many people, during difficult circumstances, I ponder the purpose if it all. When I am struggling, I go first to the Bible in search of answers. So, I decided to do a word study on “pestilence” to see what Scripture reveals on the matter.

Word Study

I primarily use the New American Standard Bible, and the English word “pestilence” occurs 41 times in 41 verses, with 38 in the Old Testament and 3 in the New Testament. All New Testament occurrences are in the book of Revelation.

The Old Testament Hebrew word is דֶּבֶר (deber) and is defined as a “pestilence or plague.” This Hebrew word is derived from another Hebrew word, דָּבַר (dabar) which means “to speak, to declare, to warn, to subdue”. The New Testament Greek word is θάνατος (thanatos) and means “to be dead” and is metaphorically used to refer to spiritual death.

Recently, I have heard, “Is God trying to tell mankind something?” or “God has man’s attention now!” I find these observations particularly interesting given the above origin of the Hebrew word for pestilence. It is poignant that the word pestilence comes from the word that means to speak, to warn, to subdue.

When used in Scripture, it is also interesting to note that this word was used when (1) Moses dealt with Pharaoh and (2) in Jesus’ letter to Thyatira. Scripture makes it clear that in the first incident, God used pestilence so that both Israel and Egypt would KNOW that he is God (Exod 7:5).

In the New Testament usage, Jesus admonished his church. The issue in Thyatira was that although this church loved God and people, they were tolerant of false doctrine. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and following false doctrine does not lead to life, but to death. The use of pestilence in this context is to show those who are headed in the wrong direction what the reality of death is so that they might turn around and walk toward life. It is not a punishment, but rather a merciful warning.


I don’t know why things are happening, why this virus is rampant. The world has certainly seen many diseases and pandemics. What I do know is that I need to be certain that I, me personally, am listening daily and sharpening my own focus – reaching for 2020 vision. That I obey the Lord, study His Word, and listen to His instruction. As we spend time at home, let’s make time for God and see what comes into focus. We can read our Bibles, watch Sunday sermons on-line, and pray. However you choose to spend your time, my prayer is that it is fruitful and blesses you.

May you each find blessing during this difficult time. I’m praying for us all.

For anyone wanting to pray, here is a prayer video.
For encouragement, read Be of Good Courage.


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