Welcome to the Hen House… Bock! We are six chicks who like to hang out together in the shade just chillin’!
Photo gallery
Strike a Pose, Ladies!
Lunch Buffet
Hanging Out
Fun Facts
Chickens are Omnivores

Chickens are not only vegetarians, but eat many other things such as seeds, grass, grain, insects, lizards, toads, and even mice.
Chickens have great memories

Chickens have wonderful memories and can recognize over 100 faces! Wow!
Chickens see in color

Chickens see in color and have wonderful color vision because they have 5 light receptors in their eyes. They also come with many different colors of feathers.
Chickens Dream

Chickens experience REM (rapid eye movement) during sleep which occurs while dreaming. However, only one side of the brain sleeps while the other is awake which keeps them safe from predators.
Chickens Chat

Chickens can voice at least 30 different vocalizations that each mean something different. They call others to eat, call their babies, purr when content and warn others of danger. Mamas even talk to their babies while they are still in the eggs before they hatch and the chicks peep back!
Chicken Egg Colors

The color of a chicken’s eggs are determined by their… earlobes. Yes, you heard (read) that right… their EARLOBES! Eggs are not always white. They can be brown, blue, green or speckled.
Chickens Think

Chickens demonstrate complex problem solving skills. Studies also show they understand cause & effect, teach their young, exercise self-control and even worry.
Chickens Play

Chickens like to play together by running, jumping and running at each other.
Chickens Fly

Chickens can fly and run fast. They can fly up into a tree to roost or over a fence. They can run up to 9 mph for short distances and can turn around very fast.
Chicken Mamas

Chickens mothers turn their eggs about 50 times per day. They can lay more than 300 eggs each year!
Chicken Record 1

The most eggs laid in 1 day by a chicken is 7! The most eggs laid in a year by a single chicken is 371 eggs!
Chicken Record 2

The most yolks found in one single egg is 9.